
Learn Counseling and Leadership Skills From World-Class Christian Practitioners

Experience transformational education that operates at the crossroads of competence, character, 通过汤森学院改变人生的咨询和领导力项目建立联系.


康考迪亚大学欧文分校的汤森学院在三个内容领域提供完全认可的在线研究生学位和专业证书:组织领导力, 高管培训与咨询, 和咨询. 心理学家和人际关系专家. John Townsend founded the Institute to address both the head and the heart, 将圣经真理与当前的神经科学相结合. 发现研究所的方法如何比行为改变更深入,并推动我们成长.

Dr. John Townsend Dr. 汤森德和学生们在格林大厅前


Dr. 约翰·汤森是一个 New York Times 畅销书作家, leadership consultant, psychologist, and relationship expert. He has written 35 books, selling 10 million copies, including the bestselling Boundaries series. 他丰富的经验和研究成果带来了实用的建议,通过他的直播受到了许多听众的追捧. 建立在他的教学基础之上的. 汤森于2015年成立了汤森研究所,至今仍在引领我们学习咨询和领导力方面发挥着积极作用.


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体验一种新的关系教育. 加入我们的在线直播,听取我们的教师, 学术顾问, 当前的学生, and alumni about their experience in the Townsend Institute.

  • Ask Dr. John Townsend your questions about the Institute and our offerings
  • Learn how our coaching, consulting and leadership programs can advance your career
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  • Become eligible for scholarships and other prizes by participating in our info session

Kaylie Housewright 凯莉·豪斯莱特和她的家人
This program not only gets into your mind, it gets into your heart. 我觉得汤森研究所支持我努力为他人提供恢复性支持.

Kaylie Housewright

苏·约翰逊博士.D. -治疗师,研究教授
Anthony Flynn - WorkFaith Connection首席执行官
亨利·克劳德博士.D. ——畅销书作家
Anita Phillips, LCSW,博士.D.
Patrick Lencioni - The TableGroup总裁


When you make a choice to invest in your future by continuing your education, 你想确保你的时间花得有价值. 这就是康考迪亚大学欧文分校的汤森研究所提供明显优势的地方. 除了一流的师资队伍,Dr. 汤森组建了一支世界级的有影响力的团队, author-teachers and practitioners with broad platforms who are widely recognized. 注册的学生将在每月的虚拟研讨会上与这些顶尖的思想家和实践者联系.



汤森德学院坐落在欧文的康考迪亚大学内,这是一所私立的路德教大学. 康考迪亚大学位于南加州,每年在校园内和网上为5000多名学生提供服务. 以基督教世界观为中心的, 在大使命的指引下, Concordia is home to a thoughtful and caring community of learners.



有兴趣了解更多? Connect with one of our admissions counselors to learn more about the programs we offer.

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